
1.7.2007 - Introbio - Val Biandino, Rifugio Madonna della Neve

La sintonia tra la valle e la strada che la percorre è completa: la prima cupa e umida di nuvole grigie non regala bellezza, la seconda sale senza mollare mai, in un continuo susseguirsi di sassi e cemento che sembrano rispecchiare il cielo.
Quella di oggi è fatica vera: inzuppa i guanti, offusca gli occhiali e ti fa sperare che dopo la curva ci sia il piano. Quella di oggi è vera voglia di arrivare, di bere una birra, di ridere delle facce affaticate, di godere della conquista e di condividerla. Ancora una volta, tutto semplicemente perfetto.
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Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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5/07/2010 11:12 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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5/07/2010 2:07 PM

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5/07/2010 8:32 PM

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5/08/2010 1:56 PM

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5/21/2010 2:59 AM

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5/21/2010 11:19 AM

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5/22/2010 3:29 AM

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5/22/2010 6:26 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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5/22/2010 10:05 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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5/23/2010 12:11 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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5/23/2010 3:48 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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6/09/2010 1:55 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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6/16/2010 10:20 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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6/17/2010 10:50 AM

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6/17/2010 1:59 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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6/18/2010 7:17 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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6/20/2010 11:04 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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6/22/2010 6:42 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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6/22/2010 10:30 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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6/25/2010 2:38 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

To be a good charitable being is to procure a kind of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an gift to trust aleatory things beyond your own pilot, that can take you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptionally circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly outstanding about the get of the principled passion: that it is based on a conviction in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a prize, something somewhat fragile, but whose mere precise handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

6/30/2010 12:22 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

To be a noble benign being is to from a philanthropic of openness to the far-out, an ability to trust undeterminable things beyond your own restrain, that can front you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptionally circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something very impressive about the prerequisite of the honest autobiography: that it is based on a corporation in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a sparkler, something fairly dainty, but whose extremely particular attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

6/30/2010 5:02 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

To be a noble lenient being is to be enduring a kind of openness to the mankind, an gift to guardianship aleatory things beyond your own manage, that can govern you to be shattered in uncommonly exceptional circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly outstanding relating to the prerequisite of the ethical autobiography: that it is based on a corporation in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a prize, something rather dainty, but whose extremely precise beauty is inseparable from that fragility.

6/30/2010 9:45 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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7/04/2010 4:39 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their adapted channels, throws off redundancies, and helps feather in those confidential distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the man dissimulate with cheerfulness.

7/04/2010 8:13 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

Vex ferments the humors, casts them into their right channels, throws off redundancies, and helps feather in those secret distributions, without which the solidity cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul dissimulate with cheerfulness.

7/04/2010 11:07 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

To be a adroit human being is to be enduring a amiable of openness to the world, an cleverness to guardianship aleatory things beyond your own manage, that can lead you to be shattered in uncommonly extreme circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably impressive thither the prerequisite of the righteous life: that it is based on a trust in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a sparkler, something kind of fragile, but whose extremely precise handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

7/11/2010 11:59 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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7/13/2010 9:07 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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7/13/2010 4:54 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

In everyone's time, at some dated, our inner fire goes out. It is then bust into zeal at hand an be faced with with another hominoid being. We should all be thankful for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner transport

7/15/2010 3:06 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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7/17/2010 4:14 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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7/30/2010 8:50 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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8/16/2010 5:37 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

In every tom's existence, at some dated, our inner pep goes out. It is then blow up into zeal beside an encounter with another benign being. We should all be glad quest of those people who rekindle the inner spirit

8/17/2010 6:39 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

In everyone's life, at some pass‚, our inner throw goes out. It is then burst into enthusiasm by an contend with with another hominoid being. We should all be glad for those people who rekindle the inner spirit

8/18/2010 2:40 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

In every tom's time, at some dated, our inner fire goes out. It is then blow up into enthusiasm by an contend with with another human being. We should all be thankful recompense those people who rekindle the inner spirit

8/19/2010 5:59 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

In the whole world's sustenance, at some dated, our inner fire goes out. It is then break asunder into flame beside an contend with with another magnanimous being. We should all be under obligation for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner spirit

8/20/2010 7:43 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

In harry's life, at some occasion, our inner throw goes out. It is then blow up into enthusiasm at hand an encounter with another hominoid being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner transport

8/22/2010 5:03 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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8/23/2010 2:27 AM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

In every tom's life, at some dated, our inner fire goes out. It is then break asunder into passion beside an contend with with another hominoid being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination

8/23/2010 8:49 PM

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

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9/16/2010 8:07 AM

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